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Jerub carries the load, track by track

Nigerian-born, Nottingham-based songwriter Jerub recently released his new EP, ‘Carry The Load’. He then found the time to talk us through all seven tracks.

Carry The Load  

‘Carry The Load’ is a soulful and honest admittance of the pressures that weigh us down. It hits close to home for me with the past couple of years being so full of so many highs but also filled with lots of change and some hardship. The song is like a mirror reflecting times when the weight of the world and circumstance, whether from the outside or within, feels too heavy. Sometimes I look at the world around me, whether it’s the struggle of being an artist, dealing with issues of race, cost of living, just being an adult, dealing with relationships and it weighs heavy. I’ve felt it—this urge to handle everything on your own, simply because that’s what I’ve always done, it’s all you know.  

But as the song unfolds, it’s not just about acknowledging that heaviness; it’s about recognizing the importance of reaching out. Towards the end, it’s like a beacon of hope, reminding me that I don’t have to navigate life’s struggles alone. There are people out there ready to lend a hand, to walk alongside me through the dark times. It’s a song about the brutal honesty of the struggle but also about the power of connection and sharing the journey.  

Gonna Be Okay  

‘Gonna Be Okay’ is a song that really is a message for people who are going through something difficult. I remember when I was at Uni studying social work and doing my placement, some of that was working with people who were rough sleeping, going around early in the morning and checking if they were okay. I realised that life can be hard and  sometimes people just need a little bit of help.

When Troy and I got in the studio to write, we both wanted to work on a song that was a little bit hopeful, something that could help people get through the hard times. I know for me that even when I’m feeling really low, it’s still gonna be okay. My hope is that this song will be like a little small voice in the back of your head reminding you that it’s gonna be okay.  


‘Hometown’ is about the people who make a place special. I spent the first ten years of my life in Nigeria, was raised in Nottingham, and now call London home. For me, it’s about the struggle of dreaming for more while not wanting to say goodbye to everything and everyone you know. It’s about choosing to risk the comfort of familiarity in search of something greater. My parents took that risk when they moved our family across the world, and I felt it when I recently left Nottingham and I know many people have experienced this too.  

‘Hometown’ is about the people who keep me connected to the places I’ve called home. This song is an ode to those people. The message of ‘Hometown’ is about not wanting to lose yourself and the people who have shaped you as you search for something more.  

You and I  

‘You and I’ is a song reflecting the journey I’ve had in learning to open up to love on every level. What I’ve figured out is that I’m the best version of myself when I let love in. It’s funny how we sometimes hold back, afraid of getting hurt or being vulnerable. But in doing that, we miss out on a big piece of what makes us human. This song is a reminder to myself that love isn’t something to run away from – it’s something to welcome with open arms. ‘You and I’ is not just about romantic love but all the different ways love adds colour to our lives… really it’s what makes us all feel complete.

My intention was to craft lyrics that lay bare my honesty and vulnerability, a sentiment echoed by the gentle interplay of vocals and piano as they guide the song through its heartfelt message.

Feel Alive  

To be honest, I’m not sure what I was really feeling or experiencing when I wrote ‘Feel Alive.’ I just know that when I sat down to write, this is what came out. The song has many layers, but for me, right now, it’s about having the bravery to take risks. I’m not a natural dreamer; I’m often overly realistic. I think some of that is a defence mechanism, a way to avoid being hurt or disappointed, but it can also keep you from experiencing joy. ‘Feel Alive’ is a euphoric admittance of this. It’s me begging myself to risk hurt and disappointment in order to truly feel.  


‘Soon’ is a song that hits home for me. I wrote it during a hectic period in my life, when I was travelling often and having a great time, but also missing home. No one really talks about the conflicting feelings of doing what you love while feeling guilty for being away so much, especially when you’re in a relationship. ‘Soon’ captures the intensity of that emotion. Usually, I tweak parts of a song and maybe re-record some bits, but with ‘Soon,’ we wrote and recorded a demo on the same day, and it felt so special that I didn’t want to change  anything. I hope anyone who has ever done long-distance or missed someone can relate to this.

‘Carry The Load’ is out now on all streaming platforms.

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