Buzzard Buzzard Buzzard are so good they named themselves thrice…They’re a quirky bunch who’s onstage antics copped them an invite to Glasto. We spoke to them and the answers are below, so I’ll stop speaking now.
First of all, how does it feel to be playing Glastonbury this summer?
It feels insane, being part of such a legendary festival is a real dream come true, I’ve never been so very hyped to be drowned in mud for three days straight!
Is there anyone that you’re looking forward to seeing at the festival?
I haven’t had the chance to see YAK all year, so I’m excited to see them, though me and the guys are going to use it as an opportunity to see all the pop we never really get to see. We’re going to be crushing it at the front for Miley Cyrus I think.
You’re some stylish people, how important are clothing to your performances?
Thanks very much! The communist in me wants to say that clothes aren’t important and it’s all about the music, not some pro-waste, shallow-minded, sycophantical peacock display, but clothes are really fun and I think it’s an important part of becoming someone else for the stage.
I’ve been pro-double denim for years, getting many funny looks, but have you ever tried triple denim? Where do you draw the line between late 60s George Harrison and Britney Spears or Justin Timberlake’s Canadian tuxedo outfit from 2001?
I wear triple denim all the time and believe there is no line, denim is for everyone, one and all – there are more parallels between George Harrison and Britney Spears than may appear!
What helps you get into the mood before a live show? Are there any specific things like a nice cuppa or some special brew?
I think we’re pretty boring in this regard, I’ve only recently started sucking on a Fisherman’s Friend before we play, but I’m not entirely sure if it has any positive effects, we’ll have to catch up in a couple of months.
What’s the story behind the name?
We used to be called ‘Buzzard’, though we came under a bit of a challenge from a Scottish group with the same name, so just decided to copy and paste the guy three times and here we are.
Have you got plans to get in the studio this year?
We have our own studio spot in Cardiff, so we’re writing and recording all the time, we’ve got plenty planned, much of which I can’t really talk about! But we’ll be releasing new music soon for sure.
Words by Nick Ikin