The Murder Capital have been making a name for themselves this year as a must see live band. So, we went to see what all the fuss was about.
The Murder Capital are one of Ireland’s most exciting newcomers, alongside Fontaines DC, with their cross-brand post-punk spoken-word style leading to sold out shows everywhere this year. The lights went down at 9pm, but it took another 10 minutes for the band to arrive – 12 for the lead singer, who happened to look exactly like myself – the introductory music used to create a prison-like atmosphere, the pink walls of YES doing everything to kill that mood. The battle was on, and The Murder Capital won.
Opening with the slower stuff, the quintet showed off their quality, before racing into the favourites, igniting the crowd with raucous atmospheric rock and constant cries of “what’s the craic”? – the roars growing each time their singer asked the question. The start of the set was about the raw talent these boy posses, their ability to layer a song and control the mood clear, they were toying with the crowd at times. The second half was about the fans, however, and giving them what they wanted: a Friday night mosh.
The geezer insistent on stage diving for a few songs deserves an honourable mention, as does the fella who walked up to me after the gig on YES’ roof terrace, and asked me to sign his vinyl. The similarities between myself and the band’s singer had been highlighted once more. I thought about tarnishing the poor fucker’s vinyl with my dodgy signature, but thankfully I thought better of myself and let the poor lad off with just the feeling of embarrassment. He could’ve at least bought me a bev though, couldn’t he?
The Murder Capital will be heading on tour again in 2020. Don’t miss out, tickets on sale now. Listen to them on Spotify and Apple Music. Like this? Read more of our live reviews here.