Photo credit: Bridie Florence
Lambrini Girls are a hurricane of a band, and their recent EP You’re Welcome is a 16 minute and 28 second whirlwind of purposeful, poignant punk rock. They talk us through the release in this track by track interview.
Can you talk to us about each song and the story behind it?
‘Boys in the Band’ is about abuse in the music scene. The majority of us are not predators, we ourselves are too scared to call out the ones that we know are. Excusing behaviour perpetuates suffering itself. Covering up a wound won’t stop it from bleeding. Ignoring a problem won’t make it go away. The music scene is a playground for abuse and it is our responsibility to clean it up. Call out your mates.
‘Terf Wars’ is about Trans-exclusive radical femmenism. As inconvenient as it may be to look outside your vulnerable middle class white woman colonial-lense, by refusing to do so you are lying to yourself about the bias you hold. It’s pretty simple: Transphobia has no place in feminism. If you think it does, then you’re not a feminist. You’re a terf. Shut the fuck up.
‘Mr Lovebomb’ is about coercive control within relationships. Are you altering your behaviour, constantly apologising, treading on eggshells around your partner? Are you desperately doing everything you can to get back to a feeling of security and love that doesn’t seem to be there anymore? You might have been love-bombed.
‘Lads lads lads’ tackles lad culture. In order to be a ‘lad’, you have to make sure you follow the guidelines: excessive drinking, harassing anyone with a pulse and starting fights. Most importantly, make sure to never talk about your feelings as this simply cannot be associated with manliness. Lad culture is the shit stain on the side of any bathroom floor and toxic masculinity is the toilet paper that refuses to unstick from the shoe of society. Nobody wins.
What are your favourite lyrics from these songs?
Boys in the Band: ‘Problematic as fuck, but we all let them off because we separate the art from the artist.’
Terf wars: ‘There’s a reason your kids aren’t talking to you anymore Karen, it’s because you’re being transphobic on Facebook again just have a fucking day off.
Mr Lovebomb: ‘This one’s on me I’ll give you a safe space, I’ll make you feel loved then slowly take it all away.’
Lads Lads Lads: ‘Get out my face you fucking snowflake.’
Can you sum up the EP in 5 words or less?
Slut core or die
Who would benefit the most from hearing these songs?
This EP is for anyone, if you’ve struggled through any of the experiences we’ve touched on, know that you’re not alone and you are valid.