The Howlers are planning a party at Buckingham Palace

London rocker’s The Howlers are here to uproot modern music and plant their own Wild Western flag in it’s place, and here at The Rodeo we can’t help but cheer ’em on.

What is Desert Rock?

Desert Rock is a term we coined to describe our music, it’s derived from the iconography we use and the influences we incorporate in our music like 50’s & 60’s surf/garage rock or the scores and imagery associated with Sergio Leone or Tarantino films.

How do London boys get into Desert Rock and decide that’s the music they want to make?

Well, we’re from all over originally, and London is our home as its a place of multi culturalism and a place where all sorts of people from all walks of life merge. In this metropolis you have to do something to stand apart from the crowd or you will just drown under the ambition of the most cut throat members of our society, with that in mind we wanted to do our thing, something that defined us.

In a time when every band seems to be putting on a suit and talking about politics, we would rather fly the flag for the youth of today in a different way.

What’s the allure of the wild west and cowboy culture?

That’s our iconography as that period of time is a period of ‘White hat vs Black hat’, ’The Good vs The Bad’ that is all still revelevant we are just portraying it how we see it today.

‘Matador’ is coming out next month, tell us about the single, the writing/recording process and the inspiration behind it.

It all formed around the riff. It had been knocking about for a while and, although people tend to apply some sort of story and notion to a song, there isn’t really one attached to Matador. We wrote it and sometimes thats enough, although I would say it is most definitely a continuation of the precedent we set with La Dolce Vita and the message of defining who you are as a person no matter who, be an individual and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. The song has a certain allure to it, the more we listen and play to it, the more we understand where it came from and certainly when we recorded it we figured out pretty early we had to do it live. We tried to box it into a click track but it felt wrong, you can’t play the song without feeling it and that says something in my mind.

What you wear on stage is important in creating a ‘brand’ as such, what are you guys rockin’ on stage?

Nothing bought on the high street for sure, todays trends are, in want for another word, ridiculous.

There’s a dystopian feel to your sound as well as the desert rock, is that to do with the strange, dystopian times we seem to be living in?

I guess we try to write good themes in our music rather than focus on the negative aspects of our lives, writing and singing about things like that only fuel and fan the fire of discontent in our generation. You could say we play the other side of the coin to bands like The Blinders, they can wear the Black hat, we will wear the White and that’s fine with us.

What’s been your most memorable gig?

There has been a few to be fair, our first show overseas in The Netherlands, or playing O2 Academy, and the 2500 cap Rock Cit. They’ve all been memorable for good and bad reasons.

Tell us something interesting about you that isn’t to do with music…

I think we hold the Guinness world record for the most parking tickets received in a year.

You’ve got an unlimited budget to put on a gig, give us the details… venue, production, pyro etc.

Nothing fancy would do it. Four free entry nights at Buckingham Palace, with Big Liz swinging from the chandelier off her chops on Prince Phillips private stash. The Corgi’s are making a killing on the merch stand and everything is on fire. The stage is on fire, we’re on fire, everyone’s on fire, but there’s an open bar……. so all is well. Then after the gig we all have kick ons at the local Kensington chicken cottage.

Listen to The Howlers on Spotify ahead of their latest single ‘Matador’

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