Hi, I’m Caitlin and I’m an Alouder.
Girls Aloud gave us a decade of violently belting out ‘Sound of The Underground’ whilst focusing intently in front of the mirror – in the comfort of our Juicy Couture tracksuits (and Ugg boots, if you were the materialistically superior Alouder) with our mums’ blow-dry brush as a microphone of course. I couldn’t be more thankful for it.
Girls Aloud are responsible for my many questionable fashion choices over the years. But, I’m forever grateful for the phase I went through where I (and the rest of the fan base – don’t try to conceal this integral part of your past) wore solely blingafied cargo pants and glitzy camisoles. It was the peak of my life thus far. No worries, no commitments – just ‘Biology’ being played 94 times a day on the MTV Top 40, and a layer of blue eyeshadow and over-plucked brows. That was my life, wonderful.
But in all seriousness, most of their tracks were absolute bangers. Take ‘Love Machine’, for example. It was deemed the second most exhilarating song by Spin magazine back in 2006; second only to Blur’s “Song 2” might I add – Not bad, not bad at all. The punchiness, the lyrical defiance and the feistiness of the track all made up to something legendary.
Or what about ‘Something Kinda Oooh’? Yet another provocative, rule-bending cut that captured lust in an aggressive, forthright way – I reckon it’d made a perfect opener for Love Island… They created and created hit after hit in what can only be described now as a ‘golden era’.
From terrible fashion choices to singing into hairbrushes when no one was watching, in a frenzy of 2000s pop glory Girls Aloud gave us a lot. In the eleven years, they were together, and to this day, their music endures as some of Britain’s best I’m unashamed to say. I can only hope that in the near future there will be some kind of reunion tour or record. In spite of Nadine Coyle being an absolute shit-stirrer, it could well be on the cards, I hope, please.
Listen to Girls Aloud on Spotify and Apple Music. Get our latest print edition HERE.