The Round-Up (07/06/24)

I’m posting this from here in Upstate New York, where it’s currently allergy season. Pollen floating gently through the air like cruel little snowflakes ready to rain hellfire down upon my sinuses. What does this have to do with our round-up this week? Absolutely nothing. But my therapist says it’s good to share so consider this a digital sharing circle. Anyways… here’s ‘Wonderwall’.

TRACK OF THE WEEK: Dylan – Perfect Revenge

My favourite pop artist that so many people still haven’t heard of. Seriously, why isn’t she a household name yet?? In typical Dylan fashion, this is pop with a rock star edge and an Uma Thurman swagger. The chorus is massive and you’re certainly going to be fighting the urge to dance around your house in your underwear. But honestly, just go for it – life’s full of stressors and letting loose is the perfect revenge. [TJ]

Also new this week…

Divorce – My Room
Divorce have really come into their own with their recent releases, drawing upon big, emotional panoramas with the finest and most understated of pen strokes. ‘My Room’ is another song that sifts mighty, rousing atmospheres from quiet drama, once again tackling emotional cost of making yourself vulnerable – a common theme in their recent releases. ‘My Room’ touches on the temptation to throw up walls around ourselves when we open up, even to those we know best. [GC]

Carlile – Illusion
With an instrumental made up of a collective of varying sounds and interesting patterns it could be so easy for Carlile and their airy tone to feel drowned out, but if anything it helps her stand out even more. The chorus plays into her natural tone, with the soundboard lowering to make way for her dream-esque vocals . If you think you’ve fallen for an illusion while listening to this song, you’re not wrong. Carlile’s style is recognisable, as she has worked as a songwriter on numerous tracks before pursuing a solo career. ‘Illusion has a name’ and the Chicago-based singer has delivered this message precisely. [GC]

Quivers – Oyster Cuts
What a lovely surprise this was this week. My first introduction to Melbourne-based Quivers – it’s a simple indie-rock song rife with a warm familiarity that had me hooked from the opening notes. Still not sure what oyster cuts are, but it doesn’t really matter because I’m already going back for seconds. [TJ]

Hippo Campus – Tooth Fairy
Hippo Campus have dropped yet another fabulous track with ‘Tooth Fairy,’ featuring a masterful buildup and a dreamworld of fun textures that reveal new ear candy with each listen. Their unique lyrical delivery, a rapid flow of quick, almost unusual lines (see ‘Got a new pair of shoes and a fear of the dead…’ if you don’t believe me) adds its own beat to the fluttering and falling synth melody, creating a flurry of sound for the listener to sink into. For a band that’s approaching the decade mark, their sound is as fresh as ever. [RG]

Big Love – Is It Over Yet?
Combining the pensive with the anthemic, ‘Is It Over Yet’ perfectly exemplifies why Big Love have been on such an incendiary rise as of late. Glitchy synths and drums build gently from brooding moments of rumination before soaring to cathartic and euphoric highs made up of hook-led layered harmonies and subtly discordant guitar work. Dancing between hopeless dread and boundless joy, this is a complex and layered listen, which covers all grounds. [GC]

Halsey – The End
A surprisingly raw track for the ‘Without Me’ singer, Halsey is almost unrecognizable in this format. It’s honestly quite astonishing how well this suits her though, and I hope this is the first indicator of a folklore-esque era to come. A beautiful track. [TJ]

Los Bitchos – Don’t Change
I thought I wasn’t a fan of instrumentals…until I heard Los Bitchos. ‘Don’t Change’ is lively and tropical, swimming with intriguing melodies. One moment you’re enchanted by the smooth rhythm guitar, then quickly entracnced by the bouyant keytar, before finding yourself dancing along to the drums. Not only is this a perfect song of the summer, it’s an exciting indication of what’s shaping up to be a fantastic new record. [RG]

Contributor Key:
[TM] Thomas Melia, [GC] Gemma Cockrell, [TJ] TJ Foster, [RG] Rory Graham

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