Weird Milk talk fashion, nature and weird smells

Weird Milk are some nice boys from North London. However, our ears were pricked after their new single ‘Honey, I’m around’ came out, so we had to have them down for a chin wag,

First things first, howdy and how are you doing? How’s 2019 treating you?
Howdy doody to you thanks for taking the time with us! 2019 has been full of surprises so far and jam-packed which is how we like it.

Your newest single ‘Honey, I’m Around’, is such a feel-good tune! How does it feel to release things into the world, say goodbye and let go of them? there must be a degree of vulnerability that you have to accept? or is it pure excitement?
Absolute excitement! It’s so fun creating and recording music. We are always thinking about what little things we can add that will make people enjoy it more and we want people to explore and find new bits every time they listen. Always a little bit nervous maybe because you never know if people will love or hate it but you trust your instincts and ask your Mum and she says “your best is good enough”.

You’ve said that the new song deals with themes of escapism, how do you escape? Music must be a big part of this but is there any other ways to relax? A nice ice cream in this sun maybe?
Being around nature is always my (Charlie) favourite method of getting away – we’re all country boys

Do you write mostly based on experiences or fictional situations? Do you have any life hacks for getting creative? I need to know how I can turn a plastic bottle into a debut album basically…
It’s a mix of both! Sometimes you read/hear something and that turns into a fictional story based on that or something happens to you that has made you feel something strongly and the best way to get it out is just to sit at the piano. Usually, you’ll just sing a line out of nowhere and that just informs the rest of the tune and you keep going. The trick is to keep excited without being distracted. Phones are bad.

You all have a really cool style, what inspires your fashion decisions? How are clothes important to you as artists and performers?
Well, thank you very much! We’re just inspired by our favourite artists, wearing smarter clothes just makes a gig feel a bit more special haha! But we do try to keep fairly smart as much as poss. Last weeks heat, however, was too much for the ol’ suit so I resorted to the Bob Dylan classic of t-shirt and shorts.

Being at uni the smell of weird milk is burnt into my nostrils – and I’m sure you’ll get asked this a lot but I couldn’t find the answer anywhere else – where does the name come from?
Zach went on holiday to Spain, had some milk and thought it was weird tasting. We needed a band name, he brought that to the table, we said “ok sure why not” and now we’re stuck with it. Some people go “hahaha what! That’s so weird” or “Oooo quirky I like it”.

So last but not least, what is the next step for you guys? Where do you want to see yourselves in the future?
Hopefully in a flat with a living room and a nicely designed kitchen. Alex has a bit of damp on his wall and that needs to go. Also on a creative streak writing some cool cool tunes. Thanks for having us!! Yeeeeeeeehaaaw!

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