Pieta Brown has nine studio albums under her belt. That’s the same as some artists have in their whole period of relevancy. It’s possibly even more unusual that such a soft, folksy sound has stood the test of time, but here she is again.
It’s packed uncomfortably full of finger strummed guitar sounds that sit perfectly politely next to vocals that want to be sultry. And when Pieta hasn’t quite nailed that engaging, inviting noise, she makes up for it with some clever piano work in ‘Ask For More’. Her sound stays consistently pleasant across a bit of chord progression in ‘Coming Down Again’ – it’s a fail-safe, acoustic sound that most people know and love.
It takes a lot of work to make a record sound so effortless – it sounds like a trait Brown has perfected over her career. It’s a cohesive piece and it’s easy to listen to. No problems here at all.
To pull apart something that sounds maybe too good to be true, maybe a few mistakes wouldn’t have gone-a-miss. Snap a guitar string, Pieta. Bring your tone up an octave. Go crazy, knock it up two octaves. You’d think that an artist with a back catalogue as lengthy as Brown’s, there’d be more room to take a few risks. She could have at least tried, is what I’m saying.
Haiku Review:
Safety in numbers,
This album is just okay,
Needs at least one risk,
Listen to Pieta Brown on Spotify and Apple Music.