NOW 70 gave voice to a generation of youths

Ah, 2008, a much simpler time. Admittedly, a much less legal time too… Before streaming services even existed, at my young age of 10, LimeWire seemed like a very scary place so I only looked forward to one thing… the computer fair. The computer fair was basically well, a fair held at Wigan’s leisure centre every other Thursday and my god, it was a goldmine.

My step-mum would go for the bootleg copies of Microsoft Office and McAfee Security Suite, whereas I was much more involved with The Sims’ Expansion Packs, light up phone charms and my best buy of them all, NOW That’s What I Call Music 70.

NOW 70 was unarguably, the best of the best. Honestly, I can’t remember when exactly it was released but this wasn’t an album to sum up a season or a year – this album summed up an entire generation’s childhood.

It became a staple. From its opener, Estelle and Kanye’s ‘American Boy’ – iconized by that scene in Gavin and Stacy – to Basshunter’s ‘All I Ever Wanted’, and sent via Bluetooth all over the school bus – it was wall to wall anthems, containing all of your first loves of music.

To be honest, it was a gift that just kept on giving. Dizzee Rascal’s ‘Dance Wiv Me’, remember that? Well, that became the anthem of school discos up and down the U.K – and is still a staple of every University students pre-drinks playlist. Flo Rida’s ‘Low’ became the main feature of every after school street dance class and. Finally, it featured The Script’s very first single ‘We Cry’.

Looking back now, there were a number of tracks didn’t appreciate enough because I was too busy playing Ironik’s ‘Stay With Me’ on repeat (2008 Chloe was very much, a chav). With hindsight, Pendulum’s Propane Nightmares later became a pretty big part of my life when I discovered eyeliner and Wigan’s under-16’s emo night ‘Kaff’. And, Black Kids’ ‘I’m Not Going To Teach Your Boyfriend How To Dance With You’ became my gateway into indie music and still remains one of my favourite songs.

Now That’s What I Call Music 70, Whether you remember it fondly or don’t, is a colossal achievement, the track on this this thing remain inescapable.

Listen to NOW!70 on Spotify and Apple Music.

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