Haggard Cat

Brexit has made a band lock themselves in a prison cell

This Brexit bollocks has got everyone a bit red-faced hasn’t it? Everyone is either a racist or a snowflake now because of that stupid blue meanie, David Cameron. Wish he’d never asked quite frankly, he’s split my family straight down the middle, now my grandad, mum and me are crying, cheers Dave.

One band have decided to take their protest one step further than our average Joe Bloggs, however. Haggard Cat have decided to entomb themselves inside a concrete block prison cell for 24 hours. Yes, you heard it right, they’re giving themselves some time inside, in a sort of politicised episode of CBBC’s ‘The Slammer’.

The performance art piece aims to send an important message. It focuses on isolation, something that Brexit has created in abundance, replacing divisive language and labels with bricks and mortar. We are really creating an economic prison block for ourselves too, so it makes a lot of sense. Matt Reynolds, from the band, sums it up in the following: “locking yourself in a box is a stupid idea. As is Brexit. It’s intentionally doing something we know is stupid and not in our best interests and puts us at risk.”

It’s becoming clearer every day, that the thing people voted for is a hell of a lot more complicated than they thought. It’s repercussions spread far and wide, from fishing to borders, jam jars to jobs, and it’s tearing apart everyone and everything in its path. And, music is no exception: “As touring musicians, we can see that the outlook for playing in mainland Europe post-Brexit is bleak, and potentially not even viable for developing artists.”

To be honest, I don’t blame Haggard Cat really, it’d be nice not to hear about our government breaking the law and have, well, just a bit of peace and quiet for a change. It’ll be a bit like a holiday I reckon, but we wish them luck anyway.

The event will take place between the 23rd and 24th of October 2019. You can stream it Big Brother-style via twitch.com/EaracheRecords. Get the latest edition of our print magazine HERE.

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