British summertime tends to leave its local residents with a hole in their hearts. We’re promised thirty-degree heat, lazy days under the blazing sun, and finally, a reason to buy magnums without guilt. Of course, you have things to do and errands to run, but this is a rare occurrence and you have to take advantage of it.
But what people don’t realise is that in no time at all, the nights turn from cool breezes to sticky, humid ones – soon enough, you’re laid on your bedroom floor desperate to cool down, worried that your fan is racking up more on your already extortionate electric bill. All those vitamin-D enriched endorphins fade away and you find yourself falling deeper into a perfectly timed existential crisis.
Every situation needs a soundtrack and this is perfect for that exact moment, the ‘heat-induced crisis’. The opening track is filled with enough synth to fill the Demogorgon-filled hole Stranger Things 3 left, but the other four tracks are calm, with soft, echoey vocals that sound like they’re coming from the party outside that you don’t want to go to. And, there’s some even softer drum beats, perfect for those aforementioned, humid and sticky nights.
Stick it on, have a mope – even maybe shed a tear, you’ll feel better afterwards.
Haiku Review
Sounds exactly like,
An existential crisis,
On a summer night,