
Nérija – Blume

Nérija – Blume
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The jazz revolution continues. The debut album from London’s female-centric seven piece, Nérija, is another reminder, if you needed one, that jazz is back baby. Following in the footsteps of The Comet Is Coming and Sons Of Kemet, this album reinvents jazz and yet somehow presents it in a way we’ve never heard before. A modern take on what was so prominent in the 1960’s, Blume is layered with chilled grooves, lush sax and soft drum beats, the sort to keep your mum and da loose while they prep for the umpteenth BBQ of the summer.

The riffs complement the sax so well whilst the tuba acts as bass guitar, telling a story without words. They whisk you up into a boat of relaxation, in which you then sail and drift down the river of tranquillisation for each of the 5+ minute songs. Really, shut your eyes, forget about the shit, then sit back and relax as Nérija take you into a deeper realm of yourself, guaranteed to slow the heart rate and help you detach. Some of the songs do sound similar to that of a 1900s murder mystery intro, but this is far from flawed; it makes it even more intriguing, makes you want to know how the story ends, following the narrative the music takes you on.

By no means has the record blown my socks off, instead it’s slipped them off, folded them nicely and placed them in the corner, leaving a sense of completion as it drifts away.

Haiku Review:
Don’t get left behind,
The revolution proceeds.
Jazz is a-coming.

‘Blume’ is available on Spotify and Apple Music.

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