Ideally, by now, you’ll have made the sort of choices in life where you reject the easy, boring thing that everyone else does, and take the harder route, that sometimes pays off. But if instead, you take the easy route and enjoy recreating the same mundane activities, A Dream Is U by Francis Lung is the answer to your mellow and unambitious prayers.
As a whole, if it was a colour chart from Dulux, it would be eggshell blue instead of pale pink. An un-offending colour for a room you could leave your Nan in for the afternoon. It is dreamy too so she might be able to have a snooze.
There’s a soft pop sense of ambition here, really wanting to reignite Beatlemania here. McClung has matched his melodies to some refreshing song structures – opener “I Wanna Live In My Dreams” has the genuine charm of a Phil Spector track.
Tom McClung has taken 8 years to switch up his sound from his Manc prog-rock days of Wu Lyf, to now a retro-tinged solo effort. He’s fashioned himself a refreshing sound from a noisy city, like a lukewarm shower in an afternoon full of guitar music.
As a body of work, it’s passed all of its check-ups. It makes (and attends) regular appointments and always finishes its course of antibiotics. But, A Dream Is U is like an audio guide to a Sunday afternoon trapesing around a DIY store with your dad. You thought you’d grown out of it, you thought you could say “no” now, but still, you have to go. I mean, it’s not the worst way to end your week but it similarly piles of compost and spades, it’s just standard, plain and simple.
Haiku Review
Easy going noise,
This album won’t offend you,
Not all that dreamy,
Find Francis Lung on Spotify and Apple Music.