Everyone You Know (EYK) are both pres and afters, balancing that pre-night buzz with mellow post-rave reflection.
The opening track, ‘She Don’t Dance’, is a beautiful ode to a lost love that hides behind an easygoing, uplifting beat. Listening to it, you can’t help but want to dance til you drop, not in a burst of rave euphoria but with a careless attitude that nothing matters and it never will. In at 3rd and 4th, ‘The Drive’ and ‘Money’ take more inspiration from drum and bass music than previous tunes, shoving some seriously ‘phat’ beats down your throat.
Being masterful storytellers, the EP includes three ‘skits’, which may seem like nothing more than meaningless recordings of the two lads pissing about in between takes. In fact, it’s much more. EYK champion an ethos of finding the best parts in life and running with them, and these skits offer some relief to the seriousness of the EP, reassuring you that although they may be having a hard time, they’re enduring it with a smile on their face.
Haiku Review
Plenty of phat beats,
Tell a story of two men,
Living a hard life,
Listen to Every You Know on Spotify and Apple Music.