On Philophobia, Amber Run have strolled into Westminster, confronted a church choir, shoved guitars in their hands and told them to prepare for the Second Coming.
From the first key of the opening piano interlude, I immediately feel as though I’m sat in church, watching a choir – but just as they open their mouths to sing the first note, they all whap out guitars and wheel in drum kits from nowhere. Wielding the sacred instruments with an unnerving amount of prowess, they begin to riff so hard that the marble floors begin to shake and my prayer pillow engages in a liturgical dance on the pew.
Frontman and self proclaimed pastor, Joe Keogh in all his holiness, is taking full advantage of the acoustics, as he uses the magnificent halls to project his voice like a paranormal entity. Engulfing the congregation, his supernatural vocals take on a life of its own. J… Jesus… is that you?
Determined to create heaven on Earth, the titular trio continues to turn up the heat and exorcise evil on ‘The Darkness Has a Voice’. Followed by an intense willingness to sell their souls to please, on ‘Entertainment’ and to close the sermon, is the aptly named ‘Worship’, which provides you with just enough time to collect your daily bread and forgive your debtors. Please leave a donation on your way out.
Haiku Review
Take a bath in
The holy water and wait for
The Second Coming.
Listen to Amber run on Spotify and Apple Music.