What on earth do we make of Shadow of a Wrecking Ball?
Let’s start with the cover. Oh god, the cover. Remember Robbie Williams in the ‘Let Me Entertain You’ video? Well, imagine if that soft-rock behemoth joined Pale Waves after watching Blade Runner and A Clockwork Orange, voila there’s your shot. Why not take a step back from the noughties and use some funky artwork. Think Devo, think David Bowie, jeez even think Queen (News of the World). Sci-Fi can be cool, especially for a concept album like this, but not with this cover dude, come on.
Then there’s the concept itself. A futuristic zombie apocalypse. Yeah, I’ll just leave that to stew nicely in your mind. I mean, it’s a good parallel for what’s become of our dog-like and rabid society and politics but slightly too overt and over the top? Perhaps or perhaps not, you decide on this one.
Oh, and finally there’s the music? It’s got that kind of space-rock, glam vibe, kind of like Henge on acid. Pitchfork would really have a field day with this one, pitting glam against thespian pizzazz, it’s a grudge match for the ages, present and future. Le Cygne Noir has clearly had a lengthy stay at an uncool version of the Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino – presumably watching the world collapse in front of him wishing he’d bought some leather boots and aviators instead of a funnel neck coat.
What this needed was a better creative lead, it needed to be aware of its influences and think more in terms of creating the world’s it so clearly wants to be in more authentically. By this, I mean it needed style, it needed to look good as well as sound good. Sometimes less is more. See Drab Majesty for an example of how this could have been something great.
Overall, it’s one of the more peculiar albums that you’ll listen to this year. It won’t be for everyone, but could yet be a cult hit, its “niche” let’s just leave it like that.
Haiku Review
Back in space again,
Ground control to Major Tom?
No – Le Cygne Noir
Listen to Le Cygne Noir on Spotify and Apple Music.