Cigarettes After Sex – Cry

Cigarettes After Sex – Cry
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Not to sound like a lonely teenager on Twitter but listening to Cigarettes After Sex new album, Cry ,on vinyl is self-care. Life lacks a lot of consistency and one thing we can rely on is Greg Gonzalez’s creepily endearing vocals.

I don’t want Cigs to ever change their signature sound – I want it to wrap me up in its surreptitious little melodies and keep me safe. I always want them to make the drive into work sound like a scene from Requiem Of A Dream. Problematic sadness aside, this hits the ear like a whisper from a fit stranger. ‘Kiss it Off Me’ is the trance-y daydream of an electro stalker and ‘Don’t Let Me Go’ is a soft, mellow secret straight out of a late 90’s Americana film. It’s all a bit fucking odd, but it’s gorgeous.

It flows cohesively from their debut, and Cig’s journey is still cascading over that Twin Peaks-esque canvas they’ve painted for themselves. If we’re being honest, we’re gonna play this more than once. Today, probably. A bit of blame needs to be placed on calling your album Cry when the name of your band is already a touch on the self-indulgent side. Makes everything a little too “sad-Tumblr-aesthetic” for our liking.

‘Hentai’, sadly, is about Hentai. That’s all we have to say about that.

Haiku Review
Sweet sounding nonsense,
Albeit a bit pervy,
Another listen?

Listen to Cigarettes After Sex on Spotify and Apple Music, and grab out latest mag HERE.

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