Nelson Can

Can they make a great album? Oh yes they Nelson Can!

Nelson Can
Nelson Can - So Long Desire
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So Long Desire is the epitome of class from Nelson Can. The Danish trio have crafted a majestic album that feels as though you should have heard it before but still manages to be new and exciting.

Starting strong, ‘Limelight’ sets the bar high with an energetic bassline and assertive vocals that immediately fill you with confidence. Steadying the pace in the successive ‘No Longer Afraid’, you could be fooled into thinking that your spotify has switched to a Lorde track. Seriously, the similarity in vocals are uncanny – which if you’re a fan of Lorde you’ll know that brings its own element of character to a song.

On the whole, Nelson Can has efficiently balanced tracks with an eerie substance that immediately capture your attention, with tracks that would be first on your indie road-trip playlist. All the way through to closing tracks ‘I Used To Sleep Through Everything’ and ‘Yeah, I Didn’t Think So’, you’re captivated. Just waiting to see what the fervent three-piece has got waiting for you.

The varying tones throughout the album will have you drawing comparisons with everyone from Glass Animals to Lana Del Rey, which although it may sound lacklustre, it’s actually a solid achievement as no likeness is out of place.

Haiku Review:
Class from Nelson Can,
nods to everyone, from Lana
to Glass Animals.

Listen to the Danish trio Nelson Can on Spotify, and grab our latest magazine HERE.

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