tremr is straight to the point on ‘Wisdom Teeth Pt. II’

tremr - Wisdom Teeth Pt. II
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How does tremr find enough hours in the day?

If you look back to his previous EP, the track ‘Insomnia’, and its accompanying music video (think: clock-ticking, enough tossing and turning to make you long for your own comfy bed and solid eight hours) might make you think that he just doesn’t sleep. After the release of Wisdom Teeth P.I less than two months ago, the up and coming artist is back with the second installment, Wisdom Teeth P.II – the third comes at the end of July, because two EPs in less than two months simply wasn’t enough.

Opening with the heart-wrenching ‘Richard Curtis’, tremr plays homage to the king of rom-com writing himself – yes, the very man who had Hugh Grant jumping around 10 Downing Street to Girls Aloud. God bless him. The track itself is a dreamlike, hazy six-minute exhibition of earnestness. Tremr assures he “can make you laugh, make you dance, brighten up your every part”, and it’s true for the EP. Laidback and revelling in its gorgeously unrefined production, ‘Richard Curtis’ crescendos to a point where inhibitions disappear.

A highlight of Wisdom Teeth P.II is tremr’s uncensored, intimate lyricism. Spilling into each track with no holds-barred, they bounce from tongue-in-cheek and quick-wittedly self aware to heartachingly candid. ‘Eternal Sunshine’ twirls a lulling acoustic guitar around similarly soothing lyrics – it’s stripped back and a moment of quiet before the EP takes a jolting turn. 

The transition from ‘Eternal Sunshine’ to ‘4am’ is enough to give you whiplash – but in a good way, of course. Distorted synth and rife with so much angst that it’d give the average teen going through their emo phase a run for their money, ‘4am’ is hard-hitting and intense: a swift departure from the tracks prior. tremr showcases his ability to seamlessly flit from genre to genre with a disregard for their usually restrictive boundaries, creating a genderless and dynamic sound.

The final track, ‘How’s ur mum, how’s your dog’ ends the EP on a high. It’s no wonder that it’s the artists own mum’s favourite – infectious and relatable (“everyone seems to have their shit together” springs to mind), it takes the EP to a new, more buoyant place. 

Straight to the point and absolutely no-fucks-given, tremr invites you into his world on Wisdom Teeth P.II. Each EP sees him reach even further new heights, and he’s showing no signs of stopping – who knows where P.III will take him.

Haiku Review:
Someone’s been busy!?
Two EPs in just two months
– I’ve barely got dressed,

Listen to tremr on Spotify and Apple Music. Grab yourself a copy of the newest issue of our mag for more great reviews and exclusive content; Volume 9 available HERE.

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