Extraterrestrials everywhere are excitedly preparing for the arrival of Luca Parmitano, who will be blessing them with the sweet, sweet...
JoinedJune 28, 2019
Based in... New York // Bands I Like... The National, Jimmy Eat World, Death Cab for Cutie // My Guilty Pleasure... Carly Rae Jepsen
We had a little chat with Angelica Garcia on the other side of the pond.
Flawless record from a bloody animated pig. Its packed with Wall-to-wall, top-to-bottom bangers. Just melt in your mouth stuff.
This is a birthday party, not a funeral, as a host of friends celebrate Scott Hutchinson.
Welcome to Guilty Pleasure Anonymous, the support group for those with the worst guilty pleasures imaginable to share their story.
On the first official day of summer, underneath a nearly immaculate blue sky, Jenny Lewis and Death Cab For...
On Late Night Feelings, Ronson has enlisted a prolific cast of vocalists/songwriters – all female, notably – to helm the mic. In...
I recently had the pleasure of talkin’ with the guys from The Buffalo Skinners, who are about to release a...
This isn’t just one of the best pop records I’ve heard all year; it’s one of the best period. A...
Hello, good people of the internet. TJ, The Rodeo’s official American Correspondent, here with another report from the Divided States...