Following up the first installment released back in 2021, Bria is back with six more takes on classic – and...
Two years ago, we started a feature called ‘I Get it Now’, and honestly, we missed it. Sometimes an album...
Photography by Marieke Macklon Sophie Kilburn goes through the process of heartache one stage at a time throughout the five...
Today we are thrilled to premiere the new video for singer/songwriter Christina Ward’s song, ‘Calendar’, off her upcoming release of...
Alex Amor is a star in the making – I’m calling it now. Her new EP, The Art of Letting...
Infectious ear worm hooks and relatable lyrics, SOFY walks us through her delightful second EP ‘Bored In Colour (Pt.2)’. Pick...
In my house, it doesn’t take long for Christmas to take over. The day after Thanksgiving, the tree goes up,...
There are loads of artists with the ‘one hit wonder’ seal of shame. In this brand new feature, we revisit...
There’s honestly no better way to describe The Umlauts than the way they describe themselves: “Your average trans-European, multi-lingual, art-school,...
Two years ago, we started a feature called ‘I Get it Now’, and honestly, we missed it. Sometimes an album...